
     Avery & Avery is a New Jersey law firm practicing exclusively in New Jersey. All information on this website is intended to apply to New Jersey laws and NJ Criminal Defense matters. No information on this site is intended as legal advice in any manner nor does it create an attorney-client relationship. Legal advice is only and we make no warranties as to the accuracy of any representations made.  Legal advice and an attorney-client relationship shall only form after a consultation and the signing of a retainer agreement.  This website is meant only to provide basic information to prospective NJ DUI and Drug Crime  clients in searching for a NJ Criminal Defense Attorney.

     This website may be considered advertising, and subject to the New Jersey Rules of Professional Conduct. Before making your choice of attorney, you should give this matter careful thought.  The selection of an attorney is an important decision. If the information on this Web site is believed to be inaccurate or misleading, you may report this to the Committee on Attorney Advertising, Hughes Justice Complex, P.O. Box 037, Trenton, NJ 08625.

© Avery & Avery, Esqs., 2012-2018 All rights reserved. Robert W. Avery, Esq., Avery & Avery, Esqs., www.averylaw-nj.comcriminaldefenselawyer-nj.comdrugcrimedefenselawyer-nj.com, antrafficticketlawyer-nj,com, own all intellectual property rights, including all copyrights, in and related to the content and top design of this site and the organization of the information contained in this site. Disclaimer: This website is made available by Robert W. Avery, Esq., and Avery & Avery, Esqs., to give you general information and a general understanding of the law, not to provide specific legal advice.  By using this website, you understand that there is no attorney client relationship between you and the website publisher.  Communication by you (via email, facsimile, or telephone) does not create an attorney client relationship, which can only be accomplished by a written retainer agreement between lawyer and client.  Our top priority is to provide all of our clients and those who search for us, whether for personal injury matters, general trial work, criminal arrests, drug and marijuana arrests, municipal court dui dwi drunk driving arrests and breathalyzer/alcotest refusal representation, or for estate planning, estate administration, powers or attorney, living wills, advance directives, or for their last will and testament, with the best representation and best defense available anywhere. Website Design Specialist Tina Cheng-Avery. Our primary practice is in the Bergen County, Hudson County, Passaic County, Morris County, Essex County, Sussex County and the North New Jersey region.